EMSA systems working together

Requesting Authority: Croatian Authorities.

Country: Croatia.

Date: March 2013.


On 22 March 2013, a possible pollution was detected by CleanSeaNet in Croatia’s territorial waters. Based on information available in EMSA’s SafeSeaNet vessel tracking system, the possible source was identified (MMSI number), and a vessel track generated. This information was submitted to the port state control information system, THETIS, making an inspection in the next port of call mandatory.

The next port of call, Slovenia, was identified in THETIS based on SafeSeaNet information. The inspection in port found evidence that an illegal discharge of oily waste had taken place (oil residues in the Oil Water Separator, and oil spots on starboard side hull), and a fine was imposed.

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CleanSeaNet Alert Report, 22 March 2013 (Service ID: 124923), showing spill detected in Croatian waters (left) and the satellite image with a vessel information layer in the user interface (right)