CISE Node Administrator Training


CISE successfully completed the first remote training course for Node Administrators. Twenty five participants from 10 different countries and three agencies attended the two day training exercise that took place on the 1st and 2nd of July 2020.

The CISE technical team re-created a test version of the CISE environment with 11 test nodes so that participants could practice hands on during the training.

The topics approached included an introduction to the CISE Node architecture, managing the node, as well as managing the participants and services. Node maintenance and troubleshooting were also addressed.

In addition to the technical materials shared, this exercise served to connect Node Administrators from  different member states and to build the beginnings of a network through which best practices and problem solving approaches can be shared. This is an excellent platform to exchange information.

CISE aims to hold further training events for Node Administrators, both remotely and in person, throughout the duration of the Transitional Phase. We look forward to a high level of participation and to receiving valuable feedback that we can incorporate into future events.

  • Lisbon, video conference
  • Date

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