Integrated Maritime Services SAR Toolbox
Published08.03.2022Categories -
CISE leaflet - Cross-Border & Cross-Sector Information Sharing for Maritime Surveillance
Published17.02.2022CategoriesTags -
Practical guide for joining the CISE network
Published20.01.2022CategoriesTags -
EMSA Outlook 2022
This publication presents the main steps the Agency plans to take in 2022 to deliver on its multi-annual strategic objectives based on the information contained in the Single Programming Document ...
Published15.12.2021Categories -
Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents (2020)
The Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents consists of a high-level analysis of marine casualties or incidents accidents reported until 31 December 2021 by the EU Member States in the ...
Published15.12.2021Categories -
Single Programming Document 2022-2024
The EMSA Single Programming Document 2022-2024 was adopted by the Administrative Board at the end of 2021. It constitutes the Agency’s roadmap for the year to come, laying out the specific actions ...
Published06.12.2021Categories -
Seafarer Statistics in the EU - Statistical review (2019 data STCW-IS)
The statistical review presented in this report is based on data extracted from certificates and endorsements registered by EU Member States (including the United Kingdom), Iceland and Norway until ...
Published17.11.2021CategoriesTags -
Adding Cybutryne to the Guidelines supporting the IMO’s AFS Convention
This study is to support the amendment of the “Guidelines for brief sampling of anti-fouling systems on ships” to include controls on Cybutryne. It covers several aspects of the existing Guidelines ...
Published27.10.2021CategoriesTags -
SOUNDS: Status of the Underwater Noise from Shipping
Study on inventory of existing policy, research and impacts of continuous underwater noise in Europe.
Published12.10.2021CategoriesTags -
Impact of COVID-19 on the Maritime Sector in the EU
With international transport at the forefront of trade, and dependent on travel and human interaction, the shipping industry has been impacted both directly and indirectly by the COVID-19 outbreak. ...
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