Period 2015 - Today
Calls for Tenders [archived]
Description | Published | Deadline | |
EMSA/OP/14/2021 | Provision of Enhancement and Maintenance of the European Marine Casualty Information Platform (EMCIP) |
29.09.2021 | 03.11.2021 |
EMSA/NEG/17/2021 | ICT Services for EODC - Deadline extended |
07.09.2021 | 15.10.2021 |
EMSA/OP/13/2021 | Development and Maintenance Services for the Earth Observation Data Centre (EODC) - corrigendum |
27.08.2021 | 23.11.2021 |
EMSA/NEG/12/2021 | Replacement of standard lighting tubes with LED type tubes |
20.08.2021 | 17.09.2021 |
EMSA/OP/4/2021 | Maintenance and Enhancement of the STCW Information System (STCW-IS) |
29.07.2021 | 30.08.2021 |
EMSA/OP/19/2021 | IT Consultancy Services for EMSA’s Horizontal Access Management System - deadline extended |
28.07.2021 | 17.09.2021 |
EMSA/OP/11/2021 | Interpretation services |
27.07.2021 | 03.09.2021 |
EMSA/NEG/13/2021 | Automatic provision of Health and Safety at Work and Environmental Legal requirements |
26.07.2021 | 03.09.2021 |
EMSA/OP/16/2021 | HP-IMS Development and Maintenance 2022-2026 |
13.07.2021 | 09.09.2021 |
EMSA/OP/18/2021 | Modelling of Continuous Underwater Radiated Noise (URN) from Ships - deadline extended
12.07.2021 | 09.09.2021 |
EMSA/NEG/14/2021 | Provision of portable devices to measure sulphur content in marine fuels |
08.07.2021 | 19.07.2021 |
EMSA/NEG/5/2021 | Feasibility study for the development of a software tool to support Member States on oil pollution response operations at sea - deadline extended |
08.07.2021 | 03.09.2021 |
EMSA/OP/15/2021 | SATCOM services for RPAS - deadline extended to 20.08.2021 |
28.06.2021 | 20.08.2021 |
EMSA/NEG/10/2021 | Consultancy and report on potential Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions in Integrated Maritime Services |
23.06.2021 | 25.08.2021 |
EMSA/OP/17/2021 | Study Investigating Cost Efficient Measures for Reducing the Risk from Cargo Fires on Container Vessels (Cargosafe) - deadline extended |
15.06.2021 | 20.08.2021 |
EMSA/NEG/11/2021 | Verification and validation under EMAS |
04.06.2021 | 22.06.2021 |
EMSA/CPNEG/1/2021 | Operation of a cafeteria for the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) |
04.05.2021 | 14.06.2021 |
EMSA/OP/8/2021 | Provision of shore-based Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) equipment to ENP and Enlargement countries |
07.04.2021 | 17.05.2021 |
EMSA/OP/1/2021 | Lightweight RPAS Services Supporting Pollution Response and Multipurpose Maritime Surveillance |
07.04.2021 | 26.05.2021 |
EMSA/OP/6/2021 | Framework Contract for the provision of near-shore oil pollution response equipment - Corrigendum |
30.03.2021 | 14.05.2021 |
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