EU MARSEC Handbook
EU MARSEC Handbook is the new name for the document formerly known as Interim Guidance on Maritime Security for Member States' Competent Authorities. This document has been produced in cooperation ...
Published30.10.2024Categories -
Interdisciplinary Practical Guidelines on Oil Spill Sampling in Europe
These guidelines were developed by a group of experts from EU / EFTA Member States and EMSA within the Consultative Technical Group for Marine Pollution Preparedness and Response (CTG MPPR). They ...
Published23.10.2024CategoriesTags -
The NAVIs SONus (NAVISON) report is the first pan-European report to provide historical and future forecast underwater noise data for all European seas. Underwater noise from ships is recognised as ...
Published10.10.2024CategoriesTags -
EMSA RPAS Services for Maritime Surveillance 2017-2023
This report provides a comprehensive overview of EMSA's RPAS services, summarizing key outcomes from 2017 to 2023 and evaluating their use in the maritime domain. This evaluation is informed by ...
Published25.07.2024CategoriesTags -
Automatic Behaviour Monitoring (ABM) brochure
Published17.07.2024Categories -
Study investigating the safety of hydrogen as fuel on ships
Part 1 of the report includes an analysis of hydrogen’s main characteristics to frame which safety hazards, system threats and risks to be considered and mitigated when using hydrogen as ship fuel. ...
Published10.07.2024CategoriesTags -
Study investigating the safety of ammonia as fuel on ships
Task 1 of this study presents an extensive analysis of ammonia properties and characteristics and how these are applicable as marine fuel. The main hazard of ammonia in comparison to other ...
Published10.07.2024CategoriesTags -
EMSA Consolidated Annual Activity Report 2023
The Consolidated Annual Activity Report provides a detailed account of the actions carried out in 2023. Operational achievements are reported in Part I. The section is organised by activity and ...
Published05.07.2024Categories -
Seafarer Statistics in the EU - Statistical review (2022 data STCW-IS)
The statistical review presented in this report is based on data extracted from certificates and endorsements registered by EU Member States, Iceland and Norway until 31 December 2022. This data, ...
Published20.05.2024CategoriesTags -
CleanSeaNet - Detections and Feedback data (2015-2023)
CleanSeaNet detections can be caused by mineral oil but may also indicate other pollutants (e.g. sewage, garbage) or naturally occurring features (e.g. algae blooms, areas of upwelling, etc.). ...
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