Period 2015 - Today
Calls for Tenders [archived]
Description | Published | Deadline | |
EMSA/OP/07/2017 | Provision of interpretation services for EMSA -deadline extended- |
21.03.2017 | 24.04.2017 |
EMSA/CPNEG/1/2017 | Service Contracts for Stand-by Oil Spill Recovery Vessels |
15.03.2017 | 19.04.2017 |
EMSA/NEG/11/2017 | Provision of Interim Services for the European Maritime Safety Agency -deadline extended- |
01.03.2017 | 20.03.2017 |
EMSA/OP/01/2017 | Provision of ship and company data for the Equasis database - opening Committee changed - |
21.02.2017 | 11.05.2017 |
EMSA/OP/02/2017 | Maintenance and Enhancement of the STCW –Information System |
20.02.2017 | 30.03.2017 |
EMSA/NEG/03/2017 | Study on the two Hazardous Materials (PFOS and HBCDD) included in the Annexes of Regulation (EU) 1257/2013 on Ship Recycling |
02.02.2017 | 23.02.2017 |
EMSA/NEG/29/2016 | Consultancy services for EMSA ICT Service desk |
23.12.2016 | 03.02.2017 |
EMSA/OP/21/2016 | Provision of trainings on International Safety Management (ISM) Code & Auditing Techniques |
21.12.2016 | 06.02.2017 |
EMSA/OP/22/2016 | Contracts for Demonstrating state-of-the-art Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) services in support of the execution of Coast Guard functions
21.12.2016 | 06.02.2017 |
EMSA/CPNEG/38/2016 | Service contract for Equipment Assistance Service - Southern Europe
14.12.2016 | 19.01.2017 |
EMSA/NEG/41/2016 | Provision of insurance broking services |
01.12.2016 | 31.01.2017 |
EMSA/NEG/20/2016 | Supply of logistic tools and equipment for the Facility and Logistics sector |
03.11.2016 | 23.11.2016 |
EMSA/NEG/40/2016 | Secure destruction of data carriers, electrical equipment and furniture and document management related services |
03.11.2016 | 23.11.2016 |
EMSA/OP/19/2016 | Provision of travel agency services in the framework of EU funded projects for technical assistance to southern and eastern ENP partner countries
02.11.2016 | 20.12.2016 |
EMSA/NEG/36/2016 | ICT Consultancy for Enterprise Architecture Assessment of SSN Ecosystem applications in the context of providing maritime data to FRONTEX -deadline extended- |
17.10.2016 | 07.11.2016 |
EMSA/OP/20/2016 | Provision of RPAS Exploitation Data Center services in support of Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) operations |
15.09.2016 | 26.09.2016 |
EMSA/OP/17/2016 | Provision of Management Training for EMSA staff |
03.09.2016 | 06.10.2016 |
EMSA/OP/18/2016 | Provision of Personal and Professional Development Training for EMSA staff |
03.09.2016 | 06.10.2016 |
EMSA/OP/16/2016 | Provision of Software Maintenance Support Services for the EU LRIT DC, LRIT-IDE, and LRIT-Ship DB systems |
10.08.2016 | 08.09.2016 |
EMSA/OP/12/2016 | Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) services in support of the execution of Coast Guard functions |
10.08.2016 | 17.10.2016 |
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