Workshop materials & reports

Workshop materials & reports
Title Place Date Documents Reports
4th LRIT NCA meeting
Lisbon 03.05.2011
EMSA workshop on Port Reception Facilities for ship-generated waste and cargo residues
Lisbon 13.04.2011
SSN Training for Operators on SSN version 2
Malta 15.03.2011
SSN IFCD Drafting Working Group - 2nd Meeting report
Lisbon 02.03.2011
SSN Incident Report Working Group - 2nd Meeting
Lisbon 14.12.2010
Enhancing the effectiveness of the law enforcement chain in combating illegal discharges
Lisbon 15.02.2011
SSN IFCD Drafting Working Group - 1st Meeting
Lisbon 15.12.2010
2nd Ballast Water Sampling and the development of a Joint European Ballast Water Sampling Strategy
Lisbon 23.01.2011
2nd Joint Workshop DG ECHO-EMSA on Coordinated at-sea and shoreline pollution response
Brussels 09.12.2010
9th Mediterranean Expert Working Group Meeting
Rome 02.12.2010
SSN Workshop 14
Lisbon 19.11.2010
4th EMSA Workshop on the STCW Information System
Lisbon 04.11.2010
3rd LRIT NCA meeting
Lisbon 19.10.2010
2nd North Atlantic Expert Working Group meeting
Haugensund 14.09.2010
SSN Workshop 13
Lisbon 16.06.2010
SSN Incident Report Working Group - 1st meeting
Lisbon 29.06.2010
2nd LRIT NCA meeting
Lisbon 15.06.2010
CTG MPPR Workshop on the status of the OPRC-HNS Protocol implementation in the EU
Lisbon 01.06.2010
3rd Pilot Projects on Maritime Surveillance Meeting
Madrid 31.05.2010
Proxy Pilot Project
Amsterdam 31.05.2010

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