Workshop materials & reports

Workshop materials & reports
Title Place Date Documents Reports
New PSC Reporting Obligations
Lisbon 12.02.2010
Pilot project on maritime surveillance - meeting with maritime directors
Lisbon 10.03.2010
Stakeholders’ Consultation Meetings regarding EMSA’s Pollution Preparedness and Response Activities
Lisbon 04.03.2010
1st North Atlantic Expert Working Group meeting
Oslo 02.03.2010
1st Ballast Water Sampling and the development of a Joint European Ballast Water Sampling Strategy
Lisbon 23.02.2010
EU Claims Management Workshop
Lisbon 08.12.2009
2nd Pilot Projects on Maritime Surveillance meeting
Vigo 04.12.2009
SSN Workshop 12
Lisbon 20.10.2009
1st LRIT NCA meeting
Lisbon 19.10.2009
Technical meeting on the use of 0.1 % sulphur content marine fuel at berth under Directive 2005/33/EC
Lisbon 15.10.2009
8th Mediterranean Expert Working Group Meeting
Lsibon 19.09.2009
Pilot Projects on Maritime Surveillance
Paris 23.07.2009
Joint Workshop between EMSA and DG Environment "Co-ordinated at-sea and shoreline response"
Lisbon 30.06.2009
SSN Workshop 11
Lisbon 11.06.2009
SSN Working Group on Future Developments (WGT) - 2nd Meeting
Lisbon 14.05.2009
5th LRIT Expert Group Meeting
Lisbon 28.04.2009
SSN Operations Working Group (WGO) - 2nd Meeting
Rome 23.04.2009
Technical Cooperation meetings EU/Russian Federation
Saint Petersburg (23-24/07/2008)
Malmoe (11-12/03/2009)
SSN Working Group on Future Developments (WGT) - 1st Meeting
The Hague 18.02.2009
7th Mediterranean Expert Working Group Meeting
Rome 28.01.2009

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