Workshop materials & reports

Workshop materials & reports
Title Place Date Reports Documents
Workshop on places of refuge: cooperation, liability and compensation
Lisbon 21.09.2007
4th Mediterranean Expert Working Group Meeting
Lisbon 03.07.2007
Promoting best practices among EU VTS centres: the Finnish experience and the Helsinki VTS
Lisbon 03.07.2007
Promoting best practices among EU VTS centres: the Finnish experience and the Helsinki VTS
Helsinki 13.06.2007
SSN Workshop 07
Lisbon 31.05.2007
Regulation (EC) 782/2003 on Prohibition of Organotin Compounds on Ships
Lisbon 14.05.2007
RoRo passenger ships with a long lower hold (WS II)
Lisbon 27.04.2007
The draft IMO Convention on the safe and environmentally sound recycling of ships
Lisbon 24.04.2007
RoRo passenger ships with a long lower hold (WS I)
Lisbon 27.03.2007
Workshop on the implementation of Directive 2005/35 on ship-source pollution
Lisbon 22.03.2007
Pollution Response workshop for Bulgaria and Romania
Lisbon 28.02.2007
Revision of MARPOL annex VI
Lisbon 15.02.2007
3rd Workshop on Vessel Traffic Monitoring: Mediterranean Expert Working Group
Lisbon 12.12.2006
Workshop on the implementation of the HNS Convention (WS II)
Lisbon 21.11.2006
Training for Bulgaria and Romania on the HNS Convention
Lisbon 20.11.2006
SSN Workshop 06
Lisbon 22.10.2006
1st Ship Recycling Workshop
Lisbon 21.09.2006
2nd Workshop on Vessel Traffic Monitoring and its Mediterranean Dimension
Brussels 05.08.2006
Lisbon 11.07.2006
SSN Workshop 05
Brussels 29.05.2006

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