Contract Agents
Most Contract Agents in EMSA have an initial contract duration of 3 years. The contract can be renewed for a first fixed-term period, and upon its second renewal possibly converted into a contract of indefinite duration.
Contract Agent posts are classified in four function groups corresponding to the duties and responsibilities involved:
- Function group IV: comprises six grades corresponding to administrative, advisory and equivalent technical tasks.
- Function group III: comprises five grades corresponding to executive tasks, drafting, accountancy and other equivalent technical tasks.
- Function group II: comprises four grades corresponding to clerical and secretarial tasks, office management and other equivalent tasks.
- Function group I: comprises three grades corresponding to manual and administrative support service tasks.
Contract Agents are required to serve the following probationary periods:
6 months if employed in function group I, 9 months if employed in function group II-IV
EMSA publishes recruitment procedures for contract agents through the announcement of vacant posts on the Agency's website. The notice of the selection procedure will provide information on the conditions and essential requirements needed for the post. The Agency may also recruit contract agents from the European Personnel Selection Office – EPSO's CAST reserve lists.